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Reserved seats; The decision to give special seats to the father party was illegal, the Election Commission said

Court reporter Dawn TV + Daily Dawn

Islamabad: In the case of the reserved seat, a contradiction came to the fore in the position of the Election Commission.

During the hearing in the Supreme Court, Justice Ayesha Malik asked how the BAP party was given specific seats in the KP in the previous elections. The lawyer replied that the decision to give seats to the BAP party was not by the law, there was no hearing on the issue of giving seats to the BAP party. Justice Ayesha Malik asked how can the Election Commission take two different positions on one issue. The lawyer said that the current Election Commission decided after hearing all the parties.

Justice Jamal Mandukhel asked whether the father’s party had participated in the election. Is there any restriction that specific seats can be given if there is a seat in any assembly?

The Chief Justice remarked that a lawyer took a certain stand in one case and the evening, when asked about a different stand, the lawyer said, “I have become more sensible now.”

Advocate General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa started the arguments and said that I would give arguments as Advocate General on the court notice, I have submitted written arguments in the miscellaneous application, and I am not satisfied with the conduct of the Election Commission.

Justice Jamal Mandukhel asked that you want to say that the elections in KP were not fair. Advocate General KP said that I agree with the arguments of Faisal Siddiqui, in the previous elections, BAP did not participate in the elections, and BAP did not have any general seat in the province. Justice Jamal Mandukhel said that three people had joined the BAP party.

Advocate General KP said that the Election Commission had given a special seat to the BAP party due to the inclusion of Azad. Justice Jamal Mandukhel said that the BAP party was the government in Balochistan, there were also members of the assembly in the National Assembly. The Advocate General said that the Election Commission had issued a formal new schedule for the BAP party.

Justice Muneeb Akhtar said that the Election Commission has adopted a different position before and now, the Election Commission today says that the decision made in the previous elections was wrong.

Justice Jamal Mandukhel said that the KP government challenged this decision at that time. If there was no challenge then the matter is over, PTI did not have party elections even in 2018, then how did it get the election symbol? The Chief Justice remarked that if he goes to it, the election of the Chairman of the Senate will also be open.

Advocate General KP said that the BAP party had not submitted any list for the KP Assembly. The Chief Justice said I do not understand what you are saying, to which the Advocate General asked why the formula that was adopted earlier by the Election Commission is not being adopted now.



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