Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomeLondon EyeA horrifying revelation about smartphone addiction in children, the chances of being...

A horrifying revelation about smartphone addiction in children, the chances of being affected by psychosis are extremely high, Oxford research

Psychosis is a mental condition in which a person loses touch with reality and has difficulty recognizing reality.
Dawn Medical Reporter
London: An Oxford University study has reported that children addicted to smartphones, iPads and video games are more likely to suffer from psychosis later in life.
Psychosis is a mental condition in which a person’s connection with reality is broken and it is difficult to recognize reality.

In the study, scientists found that smartphone and social media use during childhood was associated with paranoia (the belief that everyone is out to harm you), delusions, and paranoia by age 23. Belongs to poor thoughts.
But according to the researchers, technology itself is not the problem. Children’s addiction to devices can be a warning sign that they are easy targets for mental illness.



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