On the occasion of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the city’s main road will be decorated with crescent moons, stars, and other decorations.
Dawn Staff Reporter + Dawn Tv Report
Germany: The aim of this initiative of the city of Frankfurt, Germany is to send a message of peace and love by lighting the main street of the city on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan. Halal, stars, and other decorations are being hung on this road. With a population of eight million, it is Germany’s fifth largest city and the country’s financial center, after Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, and Cologne. It is considered one of the most multicultural places in Germany, where about fifteen percent (one to one and a half million) of the total population are Muslims. Muhammad Saidadi, Chairman of the Muslim Committee of Frankfurt, says, “We light this lamp.” welcome because we are all one.” According to German media, this is the first time in the history of this city. From Germany, British TV Dawn has said that from March 10th to April 9th, this lamp was lit on the street called Grosse Bockenheimer Strasse in Frankfurt. The area is pedestrianized and has various cafes and restaurants. It will be lit there with the message of ‘Ramadan Mubarak’. According to Halima Arslaner, Chairperson of the City Council, “Ramadan brings important lessons to our lives.” Having something to eat, a roof over your head, peace and comfort with family, friends, and neighbors. “I am happy that these messages of peace will be shared during Ramadan in our city of Frankfurt.”